Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Matt and I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our family and friends! We are so thankful for all of you and love you so much! We are looking forward to the new year and the excitement in starting our family. We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dallas Texas

The weekend of Kalli's Birthday we flew to Dallas Texas to (finally) visit my mom! Kalli, Bodie, Matt and I all flew on Frontier airlines. We left on Thursday Dec. 4th and flew through Denver. Our flight was about an hour delayed in Denver because of the snowy weather. We got to Dallas pretty late on Thursday night. Friday we went to visit my mom at her office in Colleyville and met all her co-workers. We had lunch with her at a yummy Mexican food restaurant called Gloria's. My mom's company has two cars that they loan out to their employees, so my was able to get the Cadillac Escalade for us to use for the weekend. That night we went to Bob's Steak and Chop House and had the best dinner! On Saturday the guys went golfing and the girls went shopping! Matt had such a great time golfing in Texas, he loved it there! We went to a bunch of fun stores and a really nice mall. Saturday night my mom took us all to a Dallas Mavericks game. It was a blast! After the game we hung out around the gorgeous American Airlines Amphitheater. The girls went to a yummy gelato place and the guys went to a Cigar Bar. Then on Sunday we went to eat lunch and went shopping a little bit more and then we had to catch our flight back to Sacramento. It was so great to finally see Dallas and see where my mom lives and works. We had such an awesome time and can't wait to go back!

Bob's Steak and Chop House

Matt, Ward and Bodie golfing in Texas
Matt and Bodie
Dallas Mavericks Game
Matt and I at the game

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thanksgiving in Tahoe...

We went to Tahoe for Thanksgiving with the Kelley family. Gary, Marla, Chad, Jennie, Max, "Nick-is", David, Heather, Matt and I. We stayed at the Hyatt Grand Sierra Lodge. We had such a good time. We didn't do much. While we were there we got to go up to our friend Mike and Alana's house above Diamond Peak Ski resort. It was great to see them. The hotel we stayed at is time shares and we had two rooms that each had kitchens and two bedrooms and two bathrooms. We all cooked Thanksgiving Dinner in the rooms. It was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Matt's shoulder surgery

So we just got the call from Matt's surgeon that he will be having arthroscopic shoulder surgery on Christmas Eve!!
Two years ago when Matt had the accident at the Porters swimming pool he sliced open his patela tendon (which was repaired with surgery immediatly after the accident) and dislocated his shoulder. Since then his shoulder has not been the same. It has not effected his golf game, but it is hard for him to throw a baseball or football and it pops in and out all the time.
About a month ago we found out that our health insurance is changing at the start of 2009 and Matt decided that we should take advantage of our current insurance, so he met with the surgeon that did his knee surgery and told him that if he could be fit in before the end of the year, to call us. Thankfully they had an opening for December 24th at 10:30 a.m.!
The recovery time is about three months (which is just before the baby is due). So it will work out perfectly.
He is a little worried about the surgery, but now is as good a time as ever to get it repaired and get all fixed up.
Wish us luck :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

6 months preggo :)

6 months along...

24 week update!

I went to the doctor today. They said that everything is looking great! The nurse gave me my lab paper work to get my glucose screening done. I have to go to the lab in about three weeks for the one hour glucose test to check for gestational diabetes (it's standard procedure for all pregnancies around 28 weeks). The last time I was at the lab the guy that took my blood told me how to pass it the first time so that I don't have to do the three hour glucose test, basically stay away from simple sugars for 12 hours before the test and drink lots of water. So we'll see how that goes. They went over the results from my 20 week ultrasound and she said that everything is going good. They did tell me that my placenta attached really low, and they are going to schedule me for one more ultrasound around 32 to 34 weeks (sometime in February) to make sure that it has fixed itself by that time. Good news is, I may get some more ultrasound pictures (!!) and we will get to see the baby one more time before it's born! Other than that everything was routine. We got to hear the heartbeat, which was in the 150's and the baby was moving around the whole time. My next doctors appointment is in a month and then I start going every other week after that! It's so exciting!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Baby Kelley's first piece of furniture

We received our first piece of furniture for the baby. It is a mini crib. It has been passed down to us to use from Matt's mom and dad. It is kind of a family heirloom. Matt's grandparents used the crib for Matt's dad Gary and Aunt Sue. Then Matt's parents used the crib for Matt's sisters Jennie and Heather. When we got it, it was painted white and had lamb and bunny decals on the wood panels. I repainted the whole crib with a fresh coat of white paint. We are going to purchase a crib for the nursery and a pack-n-play for our room for the baby. But when we are downstairs we are going to use the mini crib. It is perfect!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Kicking baby!

So Matt has officially felt the baby kick! It is so exciting on the rare occasion that he can feel it. It kicks me all day long and the kicks are getting stronger by the day. He says that he can feel it better when he puts his fore arm on my stomach rather than his palm or fingers. I can't wait till we can see it moving!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

5 months preggo :)

We have finally taken a pregnant pose picture.
Here it is, 5 months along...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

20 week Update!

Hello everyone!!!
Yesterday, Matt and I had our second ultrasound appointment and 20 week doctors appointment! It was so exciting!For the ultrasound they asked me to drink 16 oz. of water an hour and half before our appointment. That was hard! I got all the water down, but by the time we got to the ultrasound office I had to go to the bathroom so bad! We went in the ultrasound room and the tech could see how full my bladder was. She took two quick pictures of the baby's profile and then let me go to the bathroom. Whew!! Then I went back in the room and she took all the measurements she needed. We were there for about an hour. It was so much fun. We saw the heart beating, the brain, the spine, she measured the length of each femur and each humerus. She said that we are right on track for our estimated due date of March 26th and and she said that by the measurements that she got the baby weighs 1 pound 12 ounces (give or take 2 ounces)!! Which is a big baby!! In my "What to expect when you're expecting" book it says the baby should weigh around 10 ounces at 20 weeks! I am hoping that her measurements are off by a few ounces!! Besides that she said the baby looks great and healthy and it was swimming all around in my belly. We had so much fun and had such a great appointment!!
I have included four pictures...

Baby Kelley's little feet

Baby's Kelley's right arm
A profile picture of Baby Kelley; it looks like he/she is getting ready to suck its thumb

Another profile picture of Baby Kelley

They did take a fifth picture of the baby's private parts and put it in a sealed envelope for us. We are going to open the envelope on Christmas morning to find out the baby's gender. She said that she got a clear picture for us. We can not wait for our suprise!!

The baby's heart beat was 150 bpm

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Matt's Birthday Suprise!!

Today was Matt's 28th Birthday!! We went to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in downtown Sac "Paesanos" When we got home from dinner I had a cake ready for Matt. We both ate a piece of cake and crawled into bed. Right when I got in to bed I felt the baby moving all around! It was pretty wild! I can't wait to feel it more often!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

16 week Update!

The baby's heart beat today was 150 bpm

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Yesterday, my mom was flying in to town from Texas for a visit. She decided to fly in to Fresno so that she could visit my grandparents. Matt and I drove to Fresno to pick her up and then the three of us drove to Visalia to visit my moms family. We had a reserved a hotel room there for the night, but after we were done visiting we decided that we wanted to just sleep in our own beds, so we got the energy to drive the three and a half hours home. We left my grandparents house at 11:00p.m. and got home at 2:30a.m. It was so nice to be home, but the reason for this story is that as soon as we got home, I was exhausted and crawled straight in to bed. As soon as I laid down I felt something I have never felt before. I really think it was the baby moving around. They say I should start feeling it soon and I really think I did last night!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

12 week Update!

We hade our first prenatal visit with the doctor today. It was so great! Matt went with me and we are so excited! The doctor we saw today (Dr. Carrie Gordon) was awesome, I love her! She said she isn't too worried about my blood type yet (I'm an A+) but they will test me again in a few months just to be sure I am not affected by the Rh Factor (when I was born my mom and I had the Rh Factor). She did an ultrasound and we got to see the baby bouncing around like crazy! It's arms and legs were moving around the whole time! We saw fingers and toes, it was so crazy! Dr. Gordon said he/she was spinning around a bunch too. We also got to hear the heart beat (amazing) and Dr. Gordon said he/she is very active and has a really good strong heartbeat (169 bpm). They didn't change my due date, so it is official that the due date is set for March 26th. We just hit the 12 week mark today, which means we are moving in to the second trimester!
I attached the three pictures that they gave to us...

Side view of baby Kelley
Back view of Baby Kelley; he/she is waving at us
Another side view of Baby Kelley

So here are the first official pictures of our baby!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Welcome to our blog. Matt and I decided that we should start a blog. It is great for distant (and close) family and friends to check in on us. Matt and I found out on July 19th that we are expecting our first bundle of joy. We are so happy to share this excitement with all of you. Thank you for checking in on us from time to time!!
Love the Kelley's