Sunday, July 10, 2011

Maternity Photos...

Over Due

Officially Over Due! We are anxious to see if I'll make it to July 14th. Less than four days left. As of right now there are no signs of baby.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

40 Week Update...

On July 7th I went to my last doctor's appointment for this pregnancy! We were lucky enough to have Kelsey keep an eye on Mason so that both Matt and I could go to the doctor's appointment. Normally I have to give a urine sample (to test for pre-eclampsia) before I go back in to the office, but I could not, and they didn't mind. They immediately brought Matt and I back. The nurse weighed me, I have gained the exact amount of weight with this baby as I did with Mason. Then took my blood pressure, it was really high because I was nervous about not being able to give a urine sample and nervous about my weight. I was also really excited to see Dr. Cragun and see what he had to say. Dr. Cragun came in. He said the baby would be right around the same weight as Mason (I sure hope so). He checked my cervix and said that I am 3cm dilated and 80% effaced, which is great news! He said he would be surprised if I made to our induction appointment on Thursday, July 14th at 7:00am. We are anxious to see what happens!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

Last family holiday photo of just the 3 of us!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

39 Week Update...

I saw Dr. Gordon for my 39 week appointment. I haven't had any activity at all, so I asked them not to check me. We just talked about my next and LAST scheduled appointment for the following week. She said they would definitely check my cervix and then officially talk about induction. I told her I was trying to avoid the 4th of July, and she said "Kara, you have to promise me that if your water breaks or you are having close contractions that you will go to the hospital, even if it is the 4th of July" LOL I promised her I would, but crossed my fingers hoping we wouldn't have a firecracker baby! So it was a pretty uneventful appointment. I hope we make it to the 40 week appointment to talk about induction!

Friday, June 24, 2011

38 Week Update...

I went in for a regular ever week check up and saw Dr. Cragun. Since the last appointment I had not had any activity and nothing to report. He said that all looks good as usual and that things are moving along great. Just a few more short weeks.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

37 Week Update...

I was so anxious to go to the doctor today to find out the results of my Strep B test and to also get checked. The night before the appointment I was talking to Matt and he said to be prepared for Positive result. I also was sitting up in bed that night and thought I felt two painful contractions. Then the morning of the appointment I was getting ready to go to the doctor and I thought I felt two more again. So I went to my appointment worried and wanted to see how far along I was. First they told me the exciting news that I tested Negative for Strep B, yay!!! Then Dr. Gordon checked my cervix and said that I was thinning and dilated 1cm, but the baby is still way up in there. She could feel him bounce off her finger when she pushed, which means he had not dropped and I still had a lot of time time baby. Over all it was a great appointment :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ready for Baby...

We have done so much to get ready for baby!
We have an awesome new double stroller for both boys.
I got the diaper bag that I really wanted.
Matt detailed the car on Memorial Weekend and we installed the infant car seat... Mason thinks it's pretty weird to be driving around with an empty car seat.
We cleaned the bassinet and swing and put it in our bedroom.
We washed all the blankets, burp cloths, lap pads, towels & wash cloths and put them all away.
We cleaned all the baby's clothes for the first 3-6 months.
We got all the baby necessities including diapers, wipes, soap, diaper cream, etc.
His new room is set up and ready.
Our hospital bag is packed and the cameras are all charged up.
We took our maternity photos with our friend Kim of KBP Photography. We also scheduled our newborn photo shoot for July 25th or within 10 days after he is born.
Now we just have to wait for baby! Less than one month from today till he is here :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

36 Week Update...

I had my 36 Week check-up and from here on out I start going to the doctor every week till the baby is born! I feel like time is flying by so fast now! All is good with everything and things are all normal. I had to have my Strep B test and get to find out the results at my next appointment. I had Strep B when Mason was born and I am crossing my fingers that I don't have it this time around. It is fairly common for women to have it and not know it, but it could be harmful to the baby unless treated with antibiotics through an IV while in labor. I am so anxious to get the results!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

34 Week Update...

I went to the doctor for a regular "every other week" check -up. Saw Dr. Gordon. All is good health wise. Nothing to exciting to report. The only thing that got me thinking and made me nervous about was that she wanted to talk about inducing me EARLY! Yikes! I had a great induction with Mason, because I was a week late. So I have talked to Dr. Gordon about how my due date is Saturday, July 9th and if I am late I want to be induced on Thursday, July 14th (5 days "late"). She was saying that since Mason was a decent size, 8 1/2 lbs, and he was my first that the second tends to be bigger, especially another boy. She was thinking that I should be induced on Thursday, July 7th (2 days "early"). I left their office with my head swirling. I have said this whole pregnancy that we are trying to avoid the 4th of July. So when all is said and done, I think we are in for the long haul of waiting it out until Thursday, July 14th to be induced. Unless he decides to come out on his own before then.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

32 Week Update...

Had my 32 week check up and all is good. There isn't anything exciting to report. Dr. Cargun says all looks great :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

30 Week update...

I had my 30 week Dr.'s appointment with the nurse practitioner Christine Cooper. All is good and normal. Not much to report. I have next appointment in 2 weeks at 32 weeks.

Monday, April 18, 2011

New Wall!

My dad came in to town to build a new wall in our house! We have a 3bdrm/3bath house with a loft, but needed a 4th bedroom so that both boys could have their own bedroom. So we had him wall out the loft to make our house 4 bedrooms. Here are the results...

Before-During-After-We painted stripes on Mason's new big boy room-

Saturday, April 16, 2011

KBP Family Photos

Our friend Kim is starting her photography business and asked if we wanted to do a photo shoot. How could you pass up family photos? Here are a few of her gorgeous photos she took...

28 Weeks Pregnant

Friday, April 15, 2011

28 Week Update...

I was so anxious for thi doctor's appointment! I had to take my glucose tolerance test a few days before the appointment. When I was pregnant with Mason it was a one hour test. You went in, got your blood drawn, drank some orange sugary juice, waited an hour and then got your blood drawn again and then you were done. NOW it's a TWO HOUR test :( It is torture. You pretty much have to do the same as the first, but add an extra hour and an extra blood draw. You have to fast for 12 hours before, which is torture in itself to not let a pregnant girl eat. I also love dessert every night, so I had to skip the night before. I was just so relieved when it was over! So at my doctor's appointment I was anxious for the results, which luckily I passed!! All was good at my appointment with Dr. Gordon. As I was leaving I told her I'd be back in 4 weeks at 32 weeks, when I thought I would start coming in every other week...She stopped me and said, "No, you need to come back in 2 weeks. You start coming in every other week now!" I can not believe how fast time is flying by with this pregnancy. I love going to the doctor to hear the heart beat and to just be sure that everything is all ok, but it is crazy to think that my appointments are getting closer!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

24 Week update...

I went to my 24 week check up. I saw the office's Nurse Practioner Christine Cooper. She was really nice and said that all is great. I asked her about the flu shot and the whooping cough vaccine (DTAP) and of course they decided to give both to me. I guess that's what I get for asking about them. Matt will have to go soon to get the DTAP because of the bad whooping cough (pertussis) outbreak that has been going around. I got my lab slips to go for my gestational diabetes test before my 28 week appointment. Other than that, all is well. Babies heart beat was in the 150's, as usual.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

20 Week update...

Went to my 20 week appointment with Dr. Cragun. Matt went with me, just to make sure that all the results from the 20 week anatomy scan were good. Which they were. Perfectly healthy baby and Dr. Cragun says I am a boring pregnant person, because all is going so well. A good thing :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Surprise!

Not only did we get to find out that the baby is a boy, but Matt got to feel the baby kick! Such an exciting time!

It's a BOY!

We had our 20 week ultrasound a little early, so that we could find out the babies gender on Valentines Day! What a surprise! We are having another BOY! Mason is going to have a little brother. We are so excited that they are going to be little buddies :) Here are so photos of the lil' guy...

Baby Kelley #2....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

16 week update...

I went to the doctor's today for my 16 week check up. So far so good. My weight is right on track, which I am pretty proud about. The baby sounded great, heart beat was in the 150's. I got our lab slip to go to our 20 week anatomy ultrasound and am just so excited about that. Less than 4 week till we know the gender. I do have to say that I absolutely love my doctor's office. How many people can say that they love going to the doctor? I really do. I get so excited to go there. The people that work in the office are just so nice and my doctor's are wonderful. I'm so lucky! Can't believe I still have 6 months to go, but it is great that all is good :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

20 Week Ultrasound Appointment!!

We are so excited that we scheduled our 20 Week Ultrasound appointment to find out Baby Kelley #2's gender. Our appointment is set for February 14th (Valentine's Day) at 4:30. We are so anxious to find out if this is a little boy or girl and if Mason will have a brother or sister. Just a few more short weeks till we know :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What a wonderful year!

2011 Is going to be a great year! We can't wait to welcome our little bundle of JULY joy! Baby Kelley #2 is due 7/9/11! One more makes us a family of four!! Mason is going to be a big brother this year :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Baby Kelley #2 Movement

I first started feeling little flutters from the baby the week between Christmas and New Years. I was almost 13 weeks along. The best feeling in the whole world!

Monday, December 20, 2010

10 Week Ultrasound!

We had our first prenatal visit for Baby #2 on December 15th. Even though this is baby #2 it is still so exciting to have an ultrasound. Dr. Gordon saw us and said everything looks great as usual. She turned the machine on and we instantly heard the heartbeat. It was very fast at 173 bpm. Here are three pictures they gave us...

Picture #1
Picture #2 It was moving it's legs and arms so fast, they look blurry

Picture #3


So the latest and greatest with our family is...

Matt works for the most wonderful company now, Paramount Energy Solutions or Solar City. It is a company in Roseville that sells Solar for residential as well as provides financing for the the solar installation. He has been there since April of 2010 and absolutely loves his job!

Kara works for the most wonderful company as well, Digital Doc, LLC ans Wiltrace. They are both based out of El Dorado Hills, but she gets the luxury to work out of the family home office. Digital Doc, LLC is a company the invented, designs, manufactures and sells and dental camera to dentist offices. Kara schedules over 50 trade shows through out the US year round. Wiltrace is a company that teaches dentists how to use a CAD/CAM machine (or a machine that builds crowns) in house inside dentist's offices. Kara does the travel scheduling (Flight, Car and Hotel reservations) for their 10 designers. She has worked for Digital Doc, LLC for two years now and Wiltrace for a year and a half.

Mason is an extremely busy toddler that is always on the go and anxious to learn new things. He loves all his toys books and his short TV time each day watching Sesame Street. He is still a wonderful sleeper, sleeping over 12 hours a night and also taking naps each day. He loves learning new words and it is so fun to see his mind soaking everything up. He is such a thinker. We have always called him our little analytical baby because he has to analyze EVERYTHING. He also loves his dog Bella so much and just gigles everytime he sees her.


So it looks a s though we have definitely ditched our blog for the past year. I am excited so finally start it back up. It is such a great way to keep in contact with people and keep everyone updated. So this is a welcome back :)

Family Photos

From April 2010

From July 2010

Monday, October 26, 2009

Where has the time gone???

So it is already the end of October and I realized I have not updated our blog in over three months! Wow, time flies when you are having fun! Mason is almost seven months old and growing SO fast. I always say I wish I could stop time! Matt is still working for Bank of America Home Loans. I work from home for Digital Doc, LLC and Wiltrace. Life could not be better. We are so happy and so lucky to have the fabulous friend and family in our lives. I hope to get on here again some time soon to post a better up date. For now... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mason's first time wearing shoes...

Mason has a couple of pairs of shoes and I just realized that he had grown out of all of them except for two pairs. So I decided to try a pair on him. He hated wearing shoes! But I got a picture of him before I took them off...

Busy Summer...

So, I'm bad... I haven't had a chance to update our blog in quite awhile! In the last month and a half we've been pretty busy.

Mason is growing so fast! It is amazing to see him grow right before our eyes! He looks so much like Matt, we call him "Mini Matt" He is getting so big and getting a little personality! He smiles all the time and we have found ways to make him laugh (it just melts our hearts). He is super ticklish and loves words that end in "Y" i.e. Silly, Funny, Hungry, Sleepy, Baby, etc. He is three and a half months old now. He is so smart already. You can just tell when he is focusing in on things and trying to figure everything out.

He LOVES to sit up (while being propped up) and he tries to stand up when you pull him up. It's hilarious when he is sitting in his car seat (which he loves) he tries to sit up.

Mason in his car seat...

Mason sitting in the Bebe Pod...
He is still breast feeding, but he seems like he is wanting to eat even more these days, so we may start supplementing with formula when he turns four months because I can hardly keep up with him. He does sleep really well! He is sort of on a schedule now. We usually put him down around 10:00ish and he some times wakes up around 3:00ish to eat and then goes back to sleep. He has been sleeping in his crib since he was about two and half months old. Matt and I think that is pretty good :)

Other things we have been up to...

My best friend Lindsay is getting married on August 1st. I am the maid of honor in the wedding, so of course I got to throw her Bachelorette Party. I had known for a long time that we were going to go to Las Vegas, so I had been planning for a long time that when Mason was two and a half months old I would be going to Vegas. It definitely was hard to leave him, but Matt did great with him and I had a blast in Vegas! There were thirteen girls that went. We went on a Saturday and came back on a Monday, so I was gone for two nights. We stayed at the Mirage and just had a ton of fun.

All thirteen girls at Lindsay's Bachelorette Party...

Lindsay and the bridesmaids...
Two weeks after the trip to Las Vegas our friends Mike and Alana got married in Tahoe. The wedding was on a Friday and it was beautiful! They got married on the beach and the reception was at Garwoods, which was so nice!

Matt and I in Tahoe at Mike and Alana's wedding...

Then that same weekend my friend Nicole pot together "Lindsay's second Bachelorette Party" We took a limo and went wine tasting in Shenandoah Valley. It was mainly my girlfriends from high school. There were nine of us, and we had a blast!

Wine tasting...
At the beginning of July Mason turned 3 months...

For the 4th of July we really didn't do a whole lot. On the 3rd of July my mom watched Mason for us for the day and Matt and I went down to the delta on our friends Nicole and Dave's boat. The weather was beautiful. We met up with some of their friends and we just hung out on their new boat and surfed all day. Then on the 4th of July we were at my mom's house in the pool all day, we BBQ'ed hot dogs and then we went up to Michele and Gary Stewart's house to watch the fire works. They live in El Dorado Hills on a hill called Promontory Point and you can see every fireworks display in the Sacramento area. We could see fireworks going off in Elk Grove, Rancho Cordova, Sacramento (at Cal Expo), Citrus Heights (at Sunrise Mall), Folsom (at the Rodeo), and Roseville. It was really neat to just look out at the view and try it figure out where all the fireworks were going off at. And it was great for Mason, because we could see fireworks, but we didn't have to hear them. It was a nice quiet 4th of July!

Then the weekend after the 4th of July was Lindsay's Bridal Shower. My mom, Lindsay's mom (Denise) and I were the hosts. It was at Bistro 33 in El Dorado Hills. It was so beautiful and everything went so well. My mom did a really great job thinking of all the ideas for the shower. It was an "Around the Clock" theme. So the cake was shaped like a clock, we gave out watches as favors, and the gifts were all gifts that Lindsay could use throughout the day, so she opened each gift on their specified time. We also had help from all Lindsay's bridesmaids. Thank you to Kalli (who helped with a panty game we played), Marcy (who helped arrange the gifts, and write down each gift Lindsay received), Megan (who maid Lindsay's beautiful ribbon bouquet) and Jen (who drove Lindsay to the shower). There were about thirty-five women at the shower and we had so much fun! It turned out to be an amazing day! I could not have done it with out my mom and Denise!
The bride-to-be...
The hosts...The cake...

This last week we went on Mason's third boat ride. We went to the river on Greg's boat. He LOVES the boat, he LOVES the water, and he just LOVES to be outside. Thank you Greg for taking us out :)

Trying to protect Mason from the sun...

Mason loved to lick his life jacket...

The most exciting news this month is that my mom is finally done with all her chemo treatments!! YEAH!! WAHOO!! She had four chemo treatments that started in May, and each one has been worse than the one before. But we are relieved that she is finally done and now she just needs to focus on recovery and getting herself healthy. She is such a trooper and I am so proud of her. She has gone through so much, but it really is weird how things work out at the right time. Mason and Koltin (my nephew) have kept her pretty busy all summer. We can't wait for her to be cancer free and healthy!!

Upcoming events...

On July 22 Matt, Mason and I are going to the Sacramento Capitals tennis match. A friend of mine from high school (Christina Fusano) plays professional tennis for the New York Sportimes and they are playing against the Sacramento Capitals. So we are going to go cheer her one along with a bunch of my other friends from high school and their families.

On July 26th is Grandma Marla's Birthday. We are going to celebrate with her and take her to dinner at a yummy Chinese food restaurant that we love in Cameron Park.

On August 1st is Lindsay and Kyle's wedding. For the next two weeks we are going to be busy helping them get ready. We are so excited for all the festivities that go along with their wedding and can't wait for them to get married!

On August 3rd is Mason's 4 month check up and shots :( We are not looking forward to that, but it is necessary :(

On August 9th is Grandpa Gary's Birthday.

On August 23rd is Great Aunt Bertha's 90th Birthday party in Fresno. We are going to go to Visalia for the weekend to see my Grandparents and my Aunt Lynne and cousins Cameron and Karlee. Then we are going to go to Bertha's Birthday party. It is going to be so great to see all my extended family and celebrate her 90th Birthday (what an accomplishment, so inspiring)!

We have had a busy, fun summer and we still have so much fun to come!!!