Saturday, September 27, 2008


Yesterday, my mom was flying in to town from Texas for a visit. She decided to fly in to Fresno so that she could visit my grandparents. Matt and I drove to Fresno to pick her up and then the three of us drove to Visalia to visit my moms family. We had a reserved a hotel room there for the night, but after we were done visiting we decided that we wanted to just sleep in our own beds, so we got the energy to drive the three and a half hours home. We left my grandparents house at 11:00p.m. and got home at 2:30a.m. It was so nice to be home, but the reason for this story is that as soon as we got home, I was exhausted and crawled straight in to bed. As soon as I laid down I felt something I have never felt before. I really think it was the baby moving around. They say I should start feeling it soon and I really think I did last night!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

12 week Update!

We hade our first prenatal visit with the doctor today. It was so great! Matt went with me and we are so excited! The doctor we saw today (Dr. Carrie Gordon) was awesome, I love her! She said she isn't too worried about my blood type yet (I'm an A+) but they will test me again in a few months just to be sure I am not affected by the Rh Factor (when I was born my mom and I had the Rh Factor). She did an ultrasound and we got to see the baby bouncing around like crazy! It's arms and legs were moving around the whole time! We saw fingers and toes, it was so crazy! Dr. Gordon said he/she was spinning around a bunch too. We also got to hear the heart beat (amazing) and Dr. Gordon said he/she is very active and has a really good strong heartbeat (169 bpm). They didn't change my due date, so it is official that the due date is set for March 26th. We just hit the 12 week mark today, which means we are moving in to the second trimester!
I attached the three pictures that they gave to us...

Side view of baby Kelley
Back view of Baby Kelley; he/she is waving at us
Another side view of Baby Kelley

So here are the first official pictures of our baby!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Welcome to our blog. Matt and I decided that we should start a blog. It is great for distant (and close) family and friends to check in on us. Matt and I found out on July 19th that we are expecting our first bundle of joy. We are so happy to share this excitement with all of you. Thank you for checking in on us from time to time!!
Love the Kelley's