Sunday, November 23, 2008

Baby Kelley's first piece of furniture

We received our first piece of furniture for the baby. It is a mini crib. It has been passed down to us to use from Matt's mom and dad. It is kind of a family heirloom. Matt's grandparents used the crib for Matt's dad Gary and Aunt Sue. Then Matt's parents used the crib for Matt's sisters Jennie and Heather. When we got it, it was painted white and had lamb and bunny decals on the wood panels. I repainted the whole crib with a fresh coat of white paint. We are going to purchase a crib for the nursery and a pack-n-play for our room for the baby. But when we are downstairs we are going to use the mini crib. It is perfect!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Kicking baby!

So Matt has officially felt the baby kick! It is so exciting on the rare occasion that he can feel it. It kicks me all day long and the kicks are getting stronger by the day. He says that he can feel it better when he puts his fore arm on my stomach rather than his palm or fingers. I can't wait till we can see it moving!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

5 months preggo :)

We have finally taken a pregnant pose picture.
Here it is, 5 months along...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

20 week Update!

Hello everyone!!!
Yesterday, Matt and I had our second ultrasound appointment and 20 week doctors appointment! It was so exciting!For the ultrasound they asked me to drink 16 oz. of water an hour and half before our appointment. That was hard! I got all the water down, but by the time we got to the ultrasound office I had to go to the bathroom so bad! We went in the ultrasound room and the tech could see how full my bladder was. She took two quick pictures of the baby's profile and then let me go to the bathroom. Whew!! Then I went back in the room and she took all the measurements she needed. We were there for about an hour. It was so much fun. We saw the heart beating, the brain, the spine, she measured the length of each femur and each humerus. She said that we are right on track for our estimated due date of March 26th and and she said that by the measurements that she got the baby weighs 1 pound 12 ounces (give or take 2 ounces)!! Which is a big baby!! In my "What to expect when you're expecting" book it says the baby should weigh around 10 ounces at 20 weeks! I am hoping that her measurements are off by a few ounces!! Besides that she said the baby looks great and healthy and it was swimming all around in my belly. We had so much fun and had such a great appointment!!
I have included four pictures...

Baby Kelley's little feet

Baby's Kelley's right arm
A profile picture of Baby Kelley; it looks like he/she is getting ready to suck its thumb

Another profile picture of Baby Kelley

They did take a fifth picture of the baby's private parts and put it in a sealed envelope for us. We are going to open the envelope on Christmas morning to find out the baby's gender. She said that she got a clear picture for us. We can not wait for our suprise!!

The baby's heart beat was 150 bpm