Tuesday, February 24, 2009

36 week update!

I had my 36 week doctors appointment today. We met with Dr. Cragun. He is the only male doctor in the practice. Matt went to the appointment with me so that we could both meet him. He said my weight is looking great! From my 35 week appointment to my 36 week appointment I hadn't gained any weight!! Yeah :) He said that I am one of those sickeningly healthy people and that what ever I am doing, keep doing, because everything looks great. He did do a quick Strep B test, which is standard for all pregnant women at 36 weeks to get. He said everything should be great, so unless I hear from them I should be all clear with that test. I start going to the doctor every week from here on out! So exciting :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

35 week update!

I had my 35 week doctors appointment today. I met with the nurse practitioner in our office. She is really nice. She did the routine check up. The only unusual thing she said was that she was worried about my high blood pressure. Every time I go in to the doctor's office my blood pressure is high. I think I am always just really excited to hear what they have to say. I really am feeling great and relaxed. So I'm not sure why it is always so high. They usually have to take it twice, but today they took my blood pressure three times. Yikes! I need to calm down!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

33 week update!

I had my 33 week doctors appointment today! I have only gained 2 pounds in the last two weeks, thankfully! I have seven weeks left, so I am right on target for the amount of weight I wanted to gain! Yeah!! Matt went to the appointment with me today. I had an ultrasound and the doctor's main focus was to check to see if my placenta had moved and it had. Which means everything looks good and there is no need for a scheduled C-Section. The good news is we got to see the baby! It is definitely squished in there, so it was hard to see everything. But here are some of the photos we got.

This is a picture of his ribs. The dark spot in the middle is his heart...

This is supposedly a picture of his "boy parts" but it is so blurry to tell. Thankfully he is still a boy!...
This is a profile shot. His hand is right next to his face...