Thursday, February 17, 2011

20 Week update...

Went to my 20 week appointment with Dr. Cragun. Matt went with me, just to make sure that all the results from the 20 week anatomy scan were good. Which they were. Perfectly healthy baby and Dr. Cragun says I am a boring pregnant person, because all is going so well. A good thing :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Surprise!

Not only did we get to find out that the baby is a boy, but Matt got to feel the baby kick! Such an exciting time!

It's a BOY!

We had our 20 week ultrasound a little early, so that we could find out the babies gender on Valentines Day! What a surprise! We are having another BOY! Mason is going to have a little brother. We are so excited that they are going to be little buddies :) Here are so photos of the lil' guy...

Baby Kelley #2....