Thursday, April 28, 2011

30 Week update...

I had my 30 week Dr.'s appointment with the nurse practitioner Christine Cooper. All is good and normal. Not much to report. I have next appointment in 2 weeks at 32 weeks.

Monday, April 18, 2011

New Wall!

My dad came in to town to build a new wall in our house! We have a 3bdrm/3bath house with a loft, but needed a 4th bedroom so that both boys could have their own bedroom. So we had him wall out the loft to make our house 4 bedrooms. Here are the results...

Before-During-After-We painted stripes on Mason's new big boy room-

Saturday, April 16, 2011

KBP Family Photos

Our friend Kim is starting her photography business and asked if we wanted to do a photo shoot. How could you pass up family photos? Here are a few of her gorgeous photos she took...

28 Weeks Pregnant

Friday, April 15, 2011

28 Week Update...

I was so anxious for thi doctor's appointment! I had to take my glucose tolerance test a few days before the appointment. When I was pregnant with Mason it was a one hour test. You went in, got your blood drawn, drank some orange sugary juice, waited an hour and then got your blood drawn again and then you were done. NOW it's a TWO HOUR test :( It is torture. You pretty much have to do the same as the first, but add an extra hour and an extra blood draw. You have to fast for 12 hours before, which is torture in itself to not let a pregnant girl eat. I also love dessert every night, so I had to skip the night before. I was just so relieved when it was over! So at my doctor's appointment I was anxious for the results, which luckily I passed!! All was good at my appointment with Dr. Gordon. As I was leaving I told her I'd be back in 4 weeks at 32 weeks, when I thought I would start coming in every other week...She stopped me and said, "No, you need to come back in 2 weeks. You start coming in every other week now!" I can not believe how fast time is flying by with this pregnancy. I love going to the doctor to hear the heart beat and to just be sure that everything is all ok, but it is crazy to think that my appointments are getting closer!