Thursday, June 30, 2011

39 Week Update...

I saw Dr. Gordon for my 39 week appointment. I haven't had any activity at all, so I asked them not to check me. We just talked about my next and LAST scheduled appointment for the following week. She said they would definitely check my cervix and then officially talk about induction. I told her I was trying to avoid the 4th of July, and she said "Kara, you have to promise me that if your water breaks or you are having close contractions that you will go to the hospital, even if it is the 4th of July" LOL I promised her I would, but crossed my fingers hoping we wouldn't have a firecracker baby! So it was a pretty uneventful appointment. I hope we make it to the 40 week appointment to talk about induction!

Friday, June 24, 2011

38 Week Update...

I went in for a regular ever week check up and saw Dr. Cragun. Since the last appointment I had not had any activity and nothing to report. He said that all looks good as usual and that things are moving along great. Just a few more short weeks.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

37 Week Update...

I was so anxious to go to the doctor today to find out the results of my Strep B test and to also get checked. The night before the appointment I was talking to Matt and he said to be prepared for Positive result. I also was sitting up in bed that night and thought I felt two painful contractions. Then the morning of the appointment I was getting ready to go to the doctor and I thought I felt two more again. So I went to my appointment worried and wanted to see how far along I was. First they told me the exciting news that I tested Negative for Strep B, yay!!! Then Dr. Gordon checked my cervix and said that I was thinning and dilated 1cm, but the baby is still way up in there. She could feel him bounce off her finger when she pushed, which means he had not dropped and I still had a lot of time time baby. Over all it was a great appointment :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ready for Baby...

We have done so much to get ready for baby!
We have an awesome new double stroller for both boys.
I got the diaper bag that I really wanted.
Matt detailed the car on Memorial Weekend and we installed the infant car seat... Mason thinks it's pretty weird to be driving around with an empty car seat.
We cleaned the bassinet and swing and put it in our bedroom.
We washed all the blankets, burp cloths, lap pads, towels & wash cloths and put them all away.
We cleaned all the baby's clothes for the first 3-6 months.
We got all the baby necessities including diapers, wipes, soap, diaper cream, etc.
His new room is set up and ready.
Our hospital bag is packed and the cameras are all charged up.
We took our maternity photos with our friend Kim of KBP Photography. We also scheduled our newborn photo shoot for July 25th or within 10 days after he is born.
Now we just have to wait for baby! Less than one month from today till he is here :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

36 Week Update...

I had my 36 Week check-up and from here on out I start going to the doctor every week till the baby is born! I feel like time is flying by so fast now! All is good with everything and things are all normal. I had to have my Strep B test and get to find out the results at my next appointment. I had Strep B when Mason was born and I am crossing my fingers that I don't have it this time around. It is fairly common for women to have it and not know it, but it could be harmful to the baby unless treated with antibiotics through an IV while in labor. I am so anxious to get the results!!