Thursday, May 26, 2011

34 Week Update...

I went to the doctor for a regular "every other week" check -up. Saw Dr. Gordon. All is good health wise. Nothing to exciting to report. The only thing that got me thinking and made me nervous about was that she wanted to talk about inducing me EARLY! Yikes! I had a great induction with Mason, because I was a week late. So I have talked to Dr. Gordon about how my due date is Saturday, July 9th and if I am late I want to be induced on Thursday, July 14th (5 days "late"). She was saying that since Mason was a decent size, 8 1/2 lbs, and he was my first that the second tends to be bigger, especially another boy. She was thinking that I should be induced on Thursday, July 7th (2 days "early"). I left their office with my head swirling. I have said this whole pregnancy that we are trying to avoid the 4th of July. So when all is said and done, I think we are in for the long haul of waiting it out until Thursday, July 14th to be induced. Unless he decides to come out on his own before then.

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