Sunday, June 7, 2009

They are beautiful...

Here is a picture of my sister and my mom. My mom (Kim) is going through chemo right now, to fight breast cancer. We had hoped that she would have been one of the few that wouldn't lose her hair, but that's not the case :( It started to fall out on a Sunday and she decided since it was all going to fall out to just go ahead and shave it all off the next day. She still looks so beautiful!

Family Photos...

We took some family photos!!!

My sister Kalli, her son Koltin, my brother Kip, my mom Kim, Matt, Mason and I...
My mom and her kids and grandkids...
Our new family...
My sister Kalli and I & our boys Mason and Koltin...
All the guys in our family.
My brother Kip, holding my nephew Koltin, my cousin Cameron, Matt, holding Mason, my grandpa and my uncle Tim...
All the girls in our family.
My cousin Karlee, my aunt Lynne, my sister Kalli, my mom Kim, me, my aunt Irene, and then my cousin Alicia, my grandma and my cousin Katie...

Daddy having fun with Mason...

Already sporting the Auburn gear...

Cool dude! Wearing daddy's Arnette's...
Such a happy baby!!
Such a great smile!!

Mason - Two Months Old


Mason's first trip to SUSHI!!!

Asahi is our favorite beer at Sushi!

Mason loves to sleep in his pack-n-play...

2 month shots :(

Mason got his two month shots. They gave him five :( He got the vaccine for DTP, HIB, Hepatitis B, Pneumonia, and Polio. He got the shots around 9:00 a.m. and then pretty much slept all day in his car seat till about 2:00 p.m. We felt so terrible for him :(

Led Zeppelin...

Daddy was so excited that Mason could finally fit in this Led Zeppelin onesie from his cousin Jack!

Mason's second boat ride...

Mason and mommy out on Folsom Lake...
Mason is a little too small for his life jacket, he still needs to grow in to it!
Thank you Auntie Kalli & Uncle Bodie for taking me out!!
We LOVE the lake!!

Mason's first boat ride...

Here is Mason in his life jacket...
Thank you Matt and Kelsey for taking me on my first boat ride!!!

New bath sponge...

This is Mason's new bath sponge. It is shaped like a teddy bear. His old one was shaped like a turtle. It works so great in the kitchen sink. He is getting so big though. He is about to out grow the kitchen sink!


Mason loves to sleep in his boppy pillow. He sleeps so great!

"Jungle" Gym...

This is the play gym that Grandma Marla gave Mason at his baby shower. He likes to lay under it and watch the lights!

Mason LOVES his best buddy (cousin) Koltin...

Best Buds...

Koltin is so happy...
They are already leaning on each other...

Mason holds his own bottle...sort of...

This is how mommy does chores around the house.

Mason in his towel after bath time...

Mason - One Month Old

Mason loves his swing!