Sunday, June 7, 2009

Family Photos...

We took some family photos!!!

My sister Kalli, her son Koltin, my brother Kip, my mom Kim, Matt, Mason and I...
My mom and her kids and grandkids...
Our new family...
My sister Kalli and I & our boys Mason and Koltin...
All the guys in our family.
My brother Kip, holding my nephew Koltin, my cousin Cameron, Matt, holding Mason, my grandpa and my uncle Tim...
All the girls in our family.
My cousin Karlee, my aunt Lynne, my sister Kalli, my mom Kim, me, my aunt Irene, and then my cousin Alicia, my grandma and my cousin Katie...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kara, I think that your mom looks beautiful!!! Alot more so that I did when I went through chemo 10 years ago because of that dreaded cancer!!! It is a hard thing to go through!! by the way, I am your mom-in-law, Marla's cousin and I have checked into your blog every once in a while and seen your beautiful little guy!!! My grandson, Gibson, is 11 days old today and I am enjoying the life of grandmothering (he is my 2nd grandchild, I also have Olivia who is 1 year)!!! i'm sure that your beautiful mom is enjoying her little grand of everything to your mom and you all!!!!
